The past few weeks/months in the news has been pretty horrendous.
The various attacks in France, America, Turkey, Germany, Japan... Everything seems so much worse when you have a perfect little human to care for and protect while they grow up and go on to make their own way in this big, bad world. It really is quite a daunting prospect.
I've spent some time thinking about, when the time comes to explain the actions of people to Mara, why things happen and why people do what they do and I can't come up with a suitable explanation, and this makes me sad to think of the world she will inherit.
At the same time as the sadness though, I'm also incredibly optimistic.
We don't send our children out into the world unprepared, we're supposed to guide them and teach them right from wrong and mould them into sensible, caring young people who respect others and embrace difference.
As a result, I realise that there is a whole spectrum of people willing to raise their children to be tolerant, good, understanding, clever, humorous and loving. And to not be complete assholes to others. We're raising our kids to reflect the best of us and the good in the world and if we all get that right then we've got it made.
The various attacks in France, America, Turkey, Germany, Japan... Everything seems so much worse when you have a perfect little human to care for and protect while they grow up and go on to make their own way in this big, bad world. It really is quite a daunting prospect.
I've spent some time thinking about, when the time comes to explain the actions of people to Mara, why things happen and why people do what they do and I can't come up with a suitable explanation, and this makes me sad to think of the world she will inherit.
At the same time as the sadness though, I'm also incredibly optimistic.
We don't send our children out into the world unprepared, we're supposed to guide them and teach them right from wrong and mould them into sensible, caring young people who respect others and embrace difference.
As a result, I realise that there is a whole spectrum of people willing to raise their children to be tolerant, good, understanding, clever, humorous and loving. And to not be complete assholes to others. We're raising our kids to reflect the best of us and the good in the world and if we all get that right then we've got it made.
And should any of those crazies who are causing all the hurt around the world get in their way, they have my sympathies because they won't stand a chance against my amazing, compassionate daughter and all her friends who are here, or who have yet to be born, to show them the error of their ways.
They're coming for you and will stand against all the bullsh*t you believe in.
Good Luck & Peace Out!
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