Teether.co.uk Personalised Pyjamas - Sponsored Post

Live... Laugh... Love...
"Too much of anything is bad, but too much cute clothing is barely enough."
(I love this tag line!)

Unless you are already way ahead of the game, I'd like to introduce you to Teether Baby Boutique.
They are a UK based company with an array of cute and unique products including occasion wear like Christening dresses, baby fashion and most importantly baby clothes which can be personalised, including vests and baby grows.

They've recently launched their pyjama range and Ryan from Teether was kind enough to send Mara her very own set of personalised PJ's which arrived just in time for her 2nd birthday.
He asked what I would like on them and I left him with the specification " Could they have some sort of dinosaur print with the word Marasaurus? She's obsessed with dinosaurs just now!"
Ryan's response was "Not a problem."
We eagerly awaited their arrival and they did not disappoint.

Mara is now the very excited owner of a pair of bespoke PJ's with a large, sparkly Triceratops and the phrase "Roar like a Marasaurus" printed on the front! She keeps pointing at the trike and saying "Rawrr" which means "I love you" in dinosaur... I read that somewhere and I'm sticking with it.

The pyjama top is white with pink stripy sleeves and the trousers are pink striped to match.
They are a high quality make and the cotton is so soft. I'm really jealous that they don't come in adult sizes as I could totally get on board with that!

The pyjamas cost £16.99, but Teether offers free shipping on any orders over £10.00.

I'm sure we'll have a fight on our hands trying to get her out of them and dressed in the mornings now, but she loves them.

Thanks very much Teether, and best of luck with everything!
Its bedtime for a certain someone now.

You can also keep up with Teether on their Facebook & Instagram pages by clicking the links below:
