
Ok dad's, when was the last time you got to watch an entire movie at home?

For me, we had not long brought Mara home from SCBU and were just starting to relax a little bit, what with having our little bundle of joy home with us at last, when she decided after a couple of days that she didn't really want to sleep... at all, in any way, shape or form unless she was being held by either myself or Caroline. Our way around this was to sleep in shifts, so for about 8 weeks Caroline's parents would come in and let us go to bed around 8pm, Caroline would get up at midnight and do until 4.30am and then I would take over until 8.30am before I had to get ready for work.
During this time, I worked my way through a fair amount of movies with Mara in my arms.
I don't expect she took much in at such a young age, but with a tiny companion in my arms we have viewed just about every movie boxset collection you can think of that's been out in the last 20 years.

Last year, on Fathers Day, I took part in a 10 mile Tough Mudder event with my mate Sean - NEVER, EVER AGAIN! This year, I plan on something more relaxing. I’ll be spending the day with Mara, maybe at soft play or at home painting pictures and having her serve me a plastic three course meal from her toy kitchen, before settling down on the sofa to watch some movies with Caroline. Seeing as its "my day" I will make her watch Deadpool again, whether she wants to or not. I love how different Deadpool is from all the other X-Men movies, that's what makes it so likeable, to me any way. Caroline's doesn't get it! I think it’s brilliant.

After that we'll cosy up to watch The Revenant - in case you haven't seen it, Leonardo DiCaprio & Tom Hardy, grizzly bears, horses, blood & gore and revenge, lots of it.
Leo, is amongst my favourite actors and seems to get better with every movie he is a part of. I don't think I've ever seen a movie of his I didn't like, but The Revenant is up there as one of my favourites.

The Blu-Ray DVD bundle I received from Fox recently covers a lot of bases for Mara. There are the aforementioned favourites for me, movies like The Magnificent Seven for Mara’s Papa to watch (he loves a western) and, for us, some previously unseen titles including Kingsman & The Heat.
That’s the next few weekend evenings sorted, we’ve got the popcorn in now all we need is for Mara to serve it up in a plastic bowl.

As parents our lifestyle has changed somewhat,  nothing can beat cosying up with the family to watch a movie.

What would you chose? What would be your perfect Father's Day movie?

